Most of us go through our periods extremely private and don’t really think about whether or not our routines are hygienic. Sometimes we might use the same napkin for the entire day. Women still use reusable, unclean fabric during their periods in rural areas and smaller cities. In some houses, they are even forbidden from using detergent to thoroughly wash dirty clothing because periods are regarded as unclean.

The menstrual cycle can interfere with many women’s regular activities and make them uncomfortable. While menstrual cycle discomforts including cramps, pain, overall fatigue, and acne are common, if basic menstrual hygiene is not practiced, it can turn harmful. Some of the common question that we have come across from women are how to remove blood stains from clothes? How to remove period stain from panties? Should they use intimate hygiene wash?

So, in this blog Ugees share with a few menstrual hygiene guidelines that must be followed if you want to avoid getting sick or infected during your period.

Change menstrual hygiene products often

One of the most crucial components of menstruation hygiene is changing pads and tampons frequently, whether one uses ordinary pads or tampons. In the daytime when we are most active, it is advisable that pads be replaced every 4-6 hours. This is the commonly recommended time period because of the high levels of activity during the day, which causes the blood flow to be higher. Because there is less activity overnight, the blood flow is decreased, allowing for nightly wear. To ensure menstrual hygiene, tampons must also be replaced every 4 hours. Long-term use can cause rashes and the accumulation of dangerous bacteria that can transmit infection.

Use only one type of sanitation at once

Many women combine products, such as two pads or a tampon plus a pad, to improve blood absorption. Although the blood absorption may be improved, you might not realize that they have been consumed. This poses a serious risk to menstrual hygiene and may result in rashes or even infections. Instead, sticking to a single pad or tampon is advised because you’ll be able to tell when it’s time to replace it and do so quickly.

Safely Dispose of Sanitary Napkins

One of the most important components of menstrual hygiene, it must be adhered to strictly, before disposal, the products must be appropriately packaged. They must be safely disposed of, and flushing them might clog pipes, so never do so. One must wash their hands completely following disposal, which is another crucial component, to guarantee that no blood or bacteria are left behind. Any improper disposal can spread sickness to not only you but also those around you.

Put on relaxed, lightweight clothing.

Comfortable clothes can help you relax during your menstrual cycle and is essential for managing menstrual hygiene. One must make sure their attire is light on their bodies and has a loose fit to allow for as much freedom of movement as possible. Tight clothing can put the body under excessive strain, promote sweating, and serve as a haven for pathogenic microorganisms. For menstrual cycle attire, cotton clothing and undergarments are highly suggested.

Do not use chemical hygiene products or soaps

Keeping up with basic intimate hygiene is particularly crucial throughout the menstrual cycle. It is recommended to wash the vaginal area with warm water and no chemicals or soaps or even the highly promoted intimate hygiene wash products. Products like hygiene wash for females or soap may irritate the genital region, resulting in itchiness and even more intense vaginal discharge. For intimate hygiene, wet wipes and other soft items free of chemicals are a perfect alternative.

Use clean underwear

Menstruation or not using clean underwear is the mandate, and it becomes even more crucial during those few days. So, change your underwear regularly, particularly if you have stained them. Use products like Ugees to keep your undies fresh and free from germs and dry them properly in the sun allowing it to disinfect properly. If, how to remove period stain from panties? is one of your biggest concerns; Ugees – underwear wash is all you need, the easy and caring partner for your period-stained panties.

You may be more susceptible to vaginal infections if you don’t pay any attention to that area while you’re menstruating because it can serve as a breeding ground for bacteria and germs. You still need to maintain the vagina clean even if it is a self-cleaning body organ.